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Berwick High School Class of 1962- 60th ClassReunion Berwick Golf Club - October 29, 2022
1st Row Ellen Ridal Monatesti, Sabatini Monatesti, Sharon Force Young, H Christopher Keller, Angela Milazzo Reese, William Birt
2nd Row Frank Petak, Mary Jane Rutskie Freistak, Sandra Basala Buck, Joseph Hoosty, Nan Seybert Guebert, Merrily Cryder Hileman
3rd Row Linda Knorr Mowery, Tina Kinney Nicolson, Tillie Basarab Reider, David R Saracino
4th Row Dr. David Clark, Joyce Peters Jones, Judith Peters Ludwig, Roclhelle Graziano Warhurst, William Soberick, Robert Hettinger
5th Row Pamela Laubach Davis, Curtis Doty, Craig Michael, Rick Benfield, Anthony Magrone, Charles Berger
Not shown in photo: Diane Harmon Moles
Aloha State calendars were gifts from classmate Diane Martelli,
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